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Holter Monitor

This is a take home device that continuously records the heart's rhythms. The monitor is typically worn for approximately 24, 48, 72 hours or in some cases 7, 14, 21, or 28 days, during normal activity.

There will be a $50 missed appointment fee or if cancelled with less than 24 hour notice,

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There is no special preparation for the test, however there are some things you may want to consider.


  1. You will not be able to shower or bathe while wearing the monitor (there are exceptions for 7, 14, 21, or 28 day monitoring) so you may want to do this prior to your appointment

  2. You will need to list your medications on a take-home worksheet, if you bring them in with you the technologist may be able to assist with this!

  3. Remember to tell the technologist if you are allergic to adhesives or if you generally have sensitive skin. We will make sure to set you up with our sensitive sensors.


This test is performed in Medical Centre 1

Suite 206, 430 The Boardwalk, Waterloo, ON

Please head to the CPS Registration Desk and we will direct you from there.

Electrodes (small conducting stickers) are placed on your chest and attached to a small battery-operated recording monitor, about the size of a cell phone. This test is painless, however some people require chest shaving so the electrodes can stick. 

How long will my appointment be?

15 mins


You will carry the monitor on a clip attached to your waist while it records your heart's electrical activity. You will be asked to keep a diary of activities you do while wearing the monitor as well as any symptoms you may feel. After your scheduled time, you will remove the monitor yourself and return it to our office. 

There are some things to remember while wearing the device:


  1. The monitor cannot get wet. Do not bathe, shower, or swim while wearing the monitor.

  2. This device is sensitive and must not be tampered with. 

  3. While wearing the device, please avoid the following

    • Electric blankets​

    • High-voltage areas

    • Magnets

    • Metal detectors


Note: You may be asked to remove the device if you are going for other testing such as an MRI, CT scan, or X-ray​


We have two secure grey CPS return boxes (see right) you can use to return your monitor. The first is located on the main floor across from the elevators, and the other is found outside our doors of Unit 206. 


Both boxes act similar to mailboxes. Please refer to the figure below to see steps of the return process.


Wearing a device and still having questions?

More Information

Have you run out of space on your Holter Diary?

Here's some extra sheets to keep tracking your activities and symptoms!

Plus the information sheet if you need it.

Holter Information Sheet Photo.png
Extra Diary Sheets.png
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